Digital Geeks Proposal

How to Get Started With Digital Geeks

To get started with Digital Geeks services, follow these steps:

  1. Read the entirety of this page. Each section is a proposal for each of our services.
  2. Following the proposal of each service is a “Buy Now” button. This will allow your business to checkout and pay for the service. 
  3. After making payment, you will receive our contract. We require the contract to be signed. 
  4. Lastly, your service will begin with you scheduling your first meeting with Digital Geeks.

What is the Digital Geeks Process?

Digital Geeks operates in 90 day sprints. We provide services in the following categories: marketing, advertising, sales, project management, team recruiting, team training and development. 

Return on Investment: 

Our process focuses on systems that improve employee input and business output.

Website Audit Proposal

Does your business website close B2B revenue? Our complete website audit includes 150+ checks looking at sales system architecture, website content, user experience, conversion rate optimization, and more.

  • Visitors on their desktops will spend 400% more than those on their mobile devices
  • Businesses generate an average ROI of 223% with conversion rate optimization tools
  • The average website conversion rate is 2.35%

Our Solution: Unlike the rest of the industry, we prioritize desktop experience because B2B buyers are working from laptop and desktop devices.

KPI’s: 3 measurable outcomes to our solutions 

  • Landing Page KPI: Time for Conversions to occur from Landing Page Opt-Ins to Sales
  • Optimization KPI: Amount of Generated Sales From Blogs, Newsletters, & Reviews Via actions taken on the website  
  • Customer Experience KPI: Time to Resolve Customer Inquiries Related to Sales via the Website    

Return on Investment:

Image Source: Teleperformance

Marketing Strategy Proposal

Has your business created a cohesive B2B marketing strategy that promotes your business’s product and services and converts to sales? There are more than 74 activities within the marketing system necessary to make it effective; most companies only implement ⅓ of the required activities in a marketing campaign. However, B2B companies and departments implement less than that with the expectation to close customers.   

Return on Investment: 

  • Companies spend just $1 on conversion rate optimization (CRO) for every $92 spent on customer acquisition
  • The highest B2B average conversion rate by industry is professional/financial services at 10%
  • Around two-thirds of businesses still don’t have a structured conversion rate optimization strategy in place

Our Solution: Create strategies and implement cost effective CRO practices across all B2B industries.

Marketing Strategy Key Performance Indicators 

  • Source KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage tracking the tool/software source of the marketing connected activity connected to a sale time for conversions to occur from landing page opt-ins to sales
  • Data KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage data dashboard reflecting traffic sources, sales sources, marketing channels and conversion timeframes    
  • Content KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage audit frequency and quality assurance of existing content on all platforms, channels and sources.    

Advertising Strategy Proposal

What are your team’s KPIs and are they relevant to your business sales? How many activities in the following diagram does your business utilize? 

  • Websites with 40+ landing pages generate 12x more leads
  • 62% of B2B businesses have less than 6 landing pages
  • On average, 44% of B2B clicks go to homepages, not landing pages

Our Solution: We optimize the amount of landing pages and the (call to action) CTA.

Advertising Strategy Key Performance Indicators

  • Partnership KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage forecasted revenue generated and the frequency of your business partnerships 
  • Lead Generation KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage automated qualifying lead system, testing & quality assurance.   

Reputation KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage time and frequency on the engagement of customer relationship management.      

Image Source: Spin Sucks

Sales Strategy Proposal

How much of your B2B sales process is automated? What sales CRMs is your business using? Is your business using marketing tools and calling them sales tools?

Image Source: Drift

Return on Investment: 

  • User-generated content boosts conversion rates by 161%
  • Videos increase landing page conversions by 86%
  • Removing page navigation from your landing pages boosts conversion rates by up to 100%

Our Solution: Strategize and implement a combination of marketing, advertising, and sales techniques that results in an integrated sales system.

Sales Strategy Key Performance Indicators

  • System KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage integrated, evaluated and assessed CRM for sales specifically in relation to all marketing and advertising activities. 
  • Revenue KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage profit percentage exceeding the cost of marketing and advertising spend per product, program or service.  
  • Staff KPI: Documented process, tools, steps and staff required for your business to implement and manage time spent on administrative tasks vs. deal closure tasks towards forecasted revenue and income goals weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.

Marketing Strategy and System Implementation Proposal

Are your marketing strategies asking potential customers to Book a Call, Schedule a Demo, or submit a Contact Form without a website that displays:

  • Price
  • Buy now

Return on Investment: 

Marketing automation boosts qualified leads by 451%

  • Longer landing pages generate 220% more leads than shorter landing pages
  • Reducing the number of form fields from 11 to 4 generates 120% more conversions

Our Solution: We strategize and implement providing all of the B2B buyer’s required information to make an informed decision on the client’s website.

Marketing Implementation Key Performance Indicators: 

  • Source KPI: Tracking the tool/software source of the marketing connected activity connected to a sale Time for conversions to occur from landing page opt-ins to sales in 90 Days
  • Data KPI: Data Dashboard reflecting traffic sources, sales sources, marketing channels and conversion timeframes in 90 Days
  • Content KPI: Audit frequency and quality assurance of existing content on all platforms, channels and sources in 90 Days    

Advertising Strategy and System Implementation Proposal

Are your advertising strategies driving potential customers to Book a Call, Schedule a Demo, or submit a Contact Form without a website, landing page, or funnel that displays:

  • Price
  • Buy now

Return on Investment: 

  • The average mobile conversion rate is around 1.53% compared to 4.14% on desktop
  • The highest average conversion rate by traffic source is paid search (2.9%) compared to 2.8% organic
  • ‘Click Here’ converts better than ‘Submit’

Our Solution: Digital Geeks optimizes the client’s website with informational user intent generated content that is easy for the buyer to understand.

Advertising Implementation Key Performance Indicators 

  • Partnership KPI: Revenue generated and the frequency of your business partnerships in 90 Days.  
  • Lead Generation KPI: Automated qualifying lead system, testing & quality assurance in 90 Days.   
  • Reputation KPI: Time and frequency on the engagement of customer relationship management in 90 Days.  

Sales Strategy and System Implementation Proposal

Is your business using B2C sales practices on B2B clients? Has your business website listed all of the information a potential client needs to know before making a purchase? Can your potential customers purchase wholesale and bulk orders without contacting customer service? Does your B2B website offer self-service options? Does your website underestimate the amount of content B2B buyers want?

The B2B buyer values information that drives purchase ease. The B2B buyer dislikes bouncing from one information source to another. Therefore, buyers value suppliers that make it easy to navigate the purchase process.

Return on Investment: 

  • Asking for a telephone number hurts your conversions
  • Increasing your number of landing pages from 10 to 15 increases leads by 55%
  • 55.5% of companies plan to increase their conversion rate optimization (CRO) budget

Our Solution: We create a strategy to improve forms and landing pages that provides ROI aligned with the client’s CRO budget.

Sales Implementation Key Performance Indicators

  • System KPI: Integrated, evaluated and assessed CRM for sales specifically in relation to all marketing and advertising activities in 90 Days.  
  • Revenue KPI: Profit percentage exceeding the cost of marketing and advertising spend per product, program or service in 90 Days.  
  • Staff KPI: Time spent on administrative tasks vs. deal closure tasks towards forecasted revenue and income goals weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually in 90 Days. 
Gartner B2B Buying Journey

Project Management Implementation Training Proposal

Does your business use a project management system that allows you to quickly assign tasks? Does the project management system have templates, forms, and SOPs so that employees know exactly what steps to take to complete a task? Does the project management system give time for QA (quality assurance) so that company standards are met at a high satisfaction rate? Does your business have clearly defined, repeatable processes?

The top five causes of project failure are:

  • Change in the organization's priorities (39%)
  • Change in project objectives (37%)
  • Inaccurate requirements gathering (35%)
  • Inadequate vision (29%)
  • Poor communication (29%)

Return on Investment: 

  • Only 2.5% of companies complete their projects 100% successfully.
  • Only 23% of organizations use standardized project management practices across the entire organization. 33% use standardized practices, but not across all departments. 
  • Only 22% of organizations use a PM software

Our Solution: We strategize, design, and implement Project Management systems across all departments of our client’s business.

Project Management Implementation Key Performance Indicators

  • Efficiency KPI: Decrease time it takes to outline, delegate and complete all tasks related to all marketing, advertising and sales projects in 90 Days.  
  • Effectiveness KPI: Implement congruent deliverables that impact the outcomes, outputs and results of marketing, advertising and sales teams in 90 Days.  
  • Quality Assurance KPI: Troubleshoot the recurring problems faced by marketing, advertising and sales teams with a documented solution in 90 Days. 
Generation Digital

Team Training and Development Proposal

What are your current employee annual training and development programs? Are your current training and development programs specific to B2B? What methods are your business using to review employee training and development? How long does your business need to get new employees up to speed?

  • Over 70% of high-retention-risk employees will leave their company in order to advance their career
  • Retention rates rise 30-50% for companies with strong learning cultures
  • Companies with fewer than 100 employees gave only 12 minutes of manager training every six months
  • Organizations with 100 – 500 employees provided 6 minutes of training every 6 months

Return on Investment: 

Benchmarks: Provide the Data associated to the problem, the time it takes us to solve it and our solution to it in this area

  • 68% of businesses have no documented or structured conversion rate optimization strategy
  • Only 41% of organizations with an enterprise-wide project management office (EPMO) report that it is highly aligned to the organization's strategy
  • A whopping 97% of organizations believe that project management is critical to business performance and organizational success, according to a PwC study

Our Solution: We assist our clients in designing and implementing a Project Management system in alignment with business goals.

Training and Development Implementation Key Performance Indicators

Marketing KPI: Increase team efficiency in the required tasks, activities and outcomes of their role with current industry standards along with the autonomy to course correct problems faced in their capacity. 

  • Advertising KPI:  Increase team efficiency in the required tasks, activities and outcomes of their role with current industry standards along with the autonomy to course correct problems faced in their capacity.
  • Sales KPI:  Increase team efficiency in the required tasks, activities and outcomes of their role with current industry standards along with the autonomy to course correct problems faced in their capacity.
Image source: Work Institute

Team Recruiting Proposal

What are your current recruiting strategies? How long do your new employees remain employed at your company? How long does it take your business to find new hires? How long does it take your company to review applications? How many applications does your business receive per job post? How long does it take your HR team to follow up with applications, interview scheduling, candidate interviews and candidate feedback? Does your business choose not to follow up with candidates for simple mistakes like one or two spelling errors in the application? Is your business using HR software but it doesn’t meet your needs? 

Return on Investment: 

  • Companies that offer comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training
  • From a 4,300 workers sample, 74% felt that they weren't achieving their full potential at work due to lack of development opportunities
  • Only one in ten adults in the U.S. feel that they have sufficient computer and Internet skills to use the digital tools they’re responsible for in their daily work

Our Solution: Digital Geeks provides recruiting for clients and designs a system for employee satisfaction and retention.

Recruiting Key Performance Indicators

Talent Pool KPI: Decrease the amount of time to replace talent on the marketing, advertising and sales team during the company's high peak turnover periods. 

  • Learning Curve KPI: Decrease the amount of time required to invest in staff skills and knowledge on the marketing, advertising and sales teams to complete role tasks after hire. 
  • Cost KPI: Decrease the amount of company revenue spent recruiting, onboarding, training and developing new marketing, advertising and sales team members.
Image source: Sierra-Cedar

What Is Completed During the Digital Geeks Process?

In our 90 day sprint, we begin with audits, strategies, and reviews. We use month 2 to implement and test the strategies we created for your business. In month 3, we continue to test and evaluate the system and provide your business with reports on the system’s success. 

 Month 1 | Digital Geeks Process
Month 2 | Digital Geeks Process
Month 3 | Digital Geeks Process

FAQs about Digital Geeks’ Services

The reason we have the following services is because our agency offers consulting and implementation. Our clients have a choice between Digital Geeks providing strategy only or strategy and implementation. All of our services can be purchased separately or all-in-one packages.

Consulting Only

Website Audit

Marketing Strategy

Advertising Strategy

Sales Strategy

Consulting & Implementation

Marketing Strategy and System

Advertising Strategy and System

Sales Strategy and System

Project Management Implementation

Team Training and Development

Team Recruiting

Digital Geeks strategy and staff FAQ
Digital Geeks integrated marketing, advertising, and sales FAQ
FAQ Digital Geeks budget allocation for marketing, advertising, and sales services
FAQ Digital Geeks reminders for company and consultant working relationship


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your marketing, advertising, and sales team development needs

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