Team Training & Development

Is this the right package for my company?

If your business does not have specific training and development for team members in B2B marketing, advertising and sales, this package is for you.

If your internal marketing, advertising and sales team are unfamiliar with B2B strategy
If your internal marketing, advertising and sales team are unfamiliar with B2B communication channels
If your internal marketing, advertising and sales teams do not have congruent systems separate from B2C that reflect B2B only.

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Interested in Digital Geeks All-Inclusive Packaging that include all B2B marketing, advertising, sales, plus team recruiting, project management and training and development? Inquire here

$47,400 3 Month Package
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About the package

Digital Geeks requires the time of completing a total company assessment and audit in order to complete a team training and development plan that progressively moves your team through the necessary steps to implementing your B2B marketing, advertising and sales system solutions independently.

This package includes a system of training resources to educate your B2B marketing, advertising and sales teams on the training and development necessary to succeed in their industries. Use this training and development system to quickly train up your teams and implement the B2B learning management into your business. The process for training and development includes creating a plan that outlines an organization's actions, tools, resources, overall talent development goals & KPIs.

Up to date courses and curriculum that will keep your marketing, advertising and sales teams up to speed on their industry’s B2B professional development.

What’s included
Step-by-step video instructions that will show you and your team how to execute extremely specific wholesale marketing tasks
Streamlined and tested training and development system for internal marketing, advertising and sales teams
Training and development software and access accompanied by a training and development 1 Year license for marketing, advertising and sales
Money-back guarantee

Get your package today

Interested in Digital Geeks All-Inclusive Packaging that include all B2B marketing, advertising, sales, plus team recruiting, project management and training and development? Inquire here

$47,400 3 Month Package
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Training & Development

How do we train our teams separately but together on marketing, advertising and sales skills specific to B2B?

All teams are communicated with about the business KPIs in regards to revenue. Each team is given their structured task inputs that work towards the goal of revenue.

How do we measure if our teams are retaining what they have learned in training?

Team members no longer need to ask each other task details; teams can go to the database on how to execute tasks.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your marketing, advertising, and sales team development needs

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