Is this the right package for my company?
If your business does not have direct recruiting campaigns for team members in B2B marketing, advertising and sales, this package is for you.
Your business needs dedicated team members for B2B marketing, advertising and sales implementation. If your business does not have the capacity to maintain the B2B strategies Digital Geeks has designed for the company, it’s time to recruit these team members for your business.
Interested in Digital Geeks All-Inclusive Packaging that include all B2B marketing, advertising, sales, plus team recruiting, project management and training and development? Inquire here
Digital Geeks requires the time of completing a total company assessment and audit in order to complete a recruiting plan that progressively moves your team through the necessary steps to implementing your B2B marketing, advertising and sales recruiting solutions automatically.
This package includes a system of recruiting for B2B marketing, advertising and sales team members necessary to propel in your company. Use this recruiting process to staff your teams that will professionally implement the B2B solutions into your business from a remote, in-house or hybrid approach. The process for recruiting marketing, advertising and sales teams includes creating a plan that outlines an organization's actions, tools, resources, overall talent recruiting goals & KPIs.
If your business does not have an existing sales, marketing and advertising team structure, Digital Geeks will recruit team members for you.
We identify the skills required to perform the associated tasks of marketing, advertising and sales teams. We provide the SOPs for the tasks that also outline the end goal of revenue.
We create SOPs for marketing, advertising and sales member tasks.